Life Minerals is a nutritional supplement and therefore contains no medicinal properties or drugs as ingredients. The vast majority of individuals can take dietary supplements without any side effects whatsoever. However, if you are not accustomed to taking full spectrum dietary supplements and have a past history of sensitivities, you might wish to begin slowly, building up to the recommended level over a period of time. Unlike some vitamins you might take that could accumulate to toxic levels in your body, colloidal minerals not used by your body are excreted in a few hours.
Minerals such as aluminium, arsenic, lead and so forth in the natural organic form are not only beneficial to the body but actually help the body to remove potentially harmful heavy metal forms of these elements.
So, in short, it is virtually impossible to overdose on it. Even if you were to take 10 times the recommended amount the only side effect might likely be diarrhoea for a day or so.
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